Vocational Resources

Design for a Meaningful and Lasting Impact

Often, young adults who are exploring their purpose, passion and call ask questions about what they will do with their life, in light of their faith. FTE offers grants to diverse congregations and church-related organizations to develop vocational resources that support young people exploring Christian ministry. These grants help communities establish meaningful approaches to vocational discernment.

Eligibility & Awards

Christian communities must be equipped to inspire young adults to explore these deep questions of meaning, purpose and identity. They must have the capacity to help young leaders seek their vocation in Christian leadership as a way to make a difference in the world. Vocational Resource recipients receive up to $10,000 and gather in a community of practice with other grantees. FTE collects and shares the developed vocational discernment and exploration resources in our growing online library of resources.


The Vocational Resources Grant is available to congregations and church-related ministries in the U.S. or Canada that are interested in developing vocational resources and discernment practices for young adults exploring their vocation and call to ministry. 

Note: Organizations who are current FTE Grantees or hold current Lilly Endowment grants that are coordinated by FTE are not eligible.

Applicants may apply for grants up to $10,000 to develop a 6-12 month project. Grant recipients are required to provide a mid-term and final report on their activities 6 months and 12 months after receiving their award.

Complete applications include:

  • Online application form
  • Cover letter (1p.)
  • Proposal narrative (up to 4 pp.)
  • Project budget (1 p.)
  • Financial information (most recent audit or annual financial statement)

Description of the congregation or organization applying (no more than 400 words)

Explanation of why engaging youth and young adults in exploring models of pastoral ministry and Christian leadership committed to changing the world is important to your organization, its vision and mission at this time

Description of your access to diverse ecclesial networks and/or networks within communities of color; your experience working with these networks; your capacity and commitment to work with diverse networks beyond your own cultural and theological orientation

  • Vocational Resource description (no more than 750 words)
  • Key project activities, along with vocational discernment methodology
  • Key leadership and role
  • A strategy for evaluating the project's effectiveness 
  • Vocational Resources Sample (For a book, curriculum, or series provide a Table of Content, for a retreat provide an agenda, for a video provide a film treatment or sketch)


  • A commitment to developing a 6-12 month project focused on creating vocational resources, curriculums, or discernment practices that can be used in various settings by individuals working with young adults.
  • A track record or gifts for writing and creating vocational resources, curriculums, or discernment practices.
  • An ability and commitment to develop a robust theological understanding of vocation, particularly for leaders working with young adults who are less familiar with religious and theological language.
  • A commitment to share vocational resources, curriculums, and practices with others through FTE’s online library of resources.
  • A commitment to participate in FTE’s research project on vocation.
  • A commitment to participate in Grantee Learning Cohort conference calls.

Please contact Heather B.P. Wallace or send a message to us on our contact page.